Mosquito-borne diseases in Brazil

21/06/2022 - 8:37 | Author: Proinde

Diseases transmitted to humans by mosquitoes have been growing over the last decades and now affect about half of the world’s population, particularly in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In recent years, Brazil has recorded numerous outbreaks of mosquito-borne infectious diseases that are of significant concern to the health of seafarers and passengers with potential impact on the safe operation of vessels

The most significant of the ongoing epidemics posing a hazard to seafaring are spread through human-to-vector-to-human contact, and the Zika virus is probably the most worrying due to the ease of transmission and its association between infected pregnant women and congenital disabilities. Nevertheless, numerous other diseases transmitted by mosquitos, such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue and chikungunya, can also be life-threatening.

Apart from the ever-present risk of international spread, mosquito-borne diseases are particularly threatening for seafarers, who are often isolated and away from appropriate medical assistance. Indeed, shipboard outbreaks can potentially disrupt the operation of the vessel and compromise her safety.

In this practical guide, which has just been updated with information from international and national health authorities, we have compiled basic information on the most common diseases disseminated by mosquitos in Brazil that are of significance to shipping, outlining control measures and prevention initiatives that shipmasters and crews should take to reduce exposure.

While this material is not intended to be comprehensive or replace loss prevention guidelines issued by public health authorities, we hope it will be a useful source of reference and practical information for our clients and associates. We will endeavour to keep an updated copy of this publication available in this space.

Published May 2016. Updated June 2022.

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Telephone  +55 92 3307-0653


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