Brazil bans solid waste imports
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Now in its eighth edition, the traditional event was held at the home of Latin America’s largest port complex, bringing together representatives from the maritime and port sectors, the judiciary, the federal government, as well as law students
On 8 and 9 August 2024, the São Paulo branch of the Brazilian Association of Maritime Law (ABDM) hosted the 8th edition of its National Maritime and Port Law Congress, held at the Novotel Hotel in Santos. The event featured panel discussions led by players from the judiciary and executive branches, shipowners, shipping agents, maritime lawyers, and experts.
As in previous editions, Proinde was one of the supporters of the two-day event. Its senior partner, Carlos Augusto, moderated one of the eight panels. The panel delved into the long-established general average principle, the different approaches under the York-Antwerp Rules and the Brazilian Commercial Code, as well as practical discussions of the case involving the allision of the containership DALI against the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore last March.
ABDM, founded in 1961 in Rio de Janeiro, aims to promote the development of maritime and port law in Brazil. This non-profit organisation serves as an advisory body to the Brazilian Navy on regulatory matters involving the International Maritime Organization (IMO). It holds a membership at the Comité Maritime International (CMI) and is open to membership by any professionals or companies with an affiliation with or interest in the shipping industry.
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