Brazil bans solid waste imports
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Brazil’s Santos port authority has decided to reduce the drafts on some terminals, including ones operated by a subsidiary of Asian commodities trader Noble Group and sugar trader Copersucar, due to excess sediment, two shipping agencies said on Monday.
The reductions vary from 0.3 to 2 meters, possibly reducing ship loading capacity at the terminals, the agencies said.
Local port authority Codesp, in Santos, had confirmed new drafts at Barnabe Island’s terminal, Noble Agri’s terminal and Copersucar’s terminal.
It was noticed that the maximum allowed draft now on the Noble terminal is 10.10 meters at low tide, from 12.10 meters previously. At Copersucar berths, allowed draft fell to 11.70 at low tide, compared to 12.50 meters before.
The reductions are likely to increase operation costs for the affected terminals.
Brazil is in the peak period for sugar exports and is also shipping large amounts of its second corn crop.
Line-up data shows that four ships with corn and seven with sugar should leave Copersucar’s terminal in the coming days.
At Noble’s terminal, the line-up shows movement of eight ships carrying corn and soymeal.
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