Operational drafts in the Port of Santos
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In view of abnormal depths prevailing along the Tutoca Channel at Guajará Bay, which compromises the safety of the navigation on the approaches to the Port of Belém, State of Pará, on 25 July 2018, the Harbour Master of the Eastern Amazon issued Ordinance No. 96/CPAOR ruling, with immediate effect, that:
Port Captaincy recommends that vessel arriving at the Port of Belém enter at high tide, turn around at the evolution basin and berth by starboard side with the port side anchor down.
The maximum draft for vessels arriving through the Tutoca Channel is 4m plus the height of the high tide, less 0.45 m for vessels of up to 140m LOA, less 0.60 m for vessels up to 180 m LOA, and less 0.90 m for vessels over 180 m LOA up to the limit of 7 m. For vessels departing Belem, the maximum draft is 4.5 m plus the height of the high tide, less 0.45 m for vessels up to 140m LOA, less 0.60 m for vessels up to 180 m LOA and 0.90m for vessels longer than 180 m LOA up to the limit of 7 m.
Shipowners calling at the Port of Belem are advised to check prevailing restrictions with their agents before the fixture.
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