Brazil bans solid waste imports
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Update 16 September 2022: Interministerial Ordinance 678 of 12 September 2022 revoked Ordinance 670/2022 and simplified entry procedures as vaccination advances and the number of confirmed cases and fatalities drops. An English translation of this new regulation is attached.
Travellers aged 12 and older arriving in Brazil can choose to provide either proof of full vaccination (electronic or printed, in Portuguese, Spanish or English) or a negative test to enter the country. Vaccination certificates displayed only in QR-code format (or another coded language) as well as COVID-19 recovery certificates remain unacceptable as proof of immunisation.
Ordinance 678/2022 requires travellers to be fully vaccinated 14 days before the travel or to take an antigen or laboratory test within one day of boarding. It exempts from these requirements the following categories:
While the land or air carrier remains responsible for checking for proof of vaccination or test before departure, the traveller infringing the regulation is subject to civil, administrative and criminal liabilities, repatriation or deportation on short notice, and disqualification of an application for refuge.
Embarkation and disembarkation of crew and passengers from passenger and cargo ships and platforms in Brazilian waters are subject to specific regulations issued by the federal health agency ANVISA.
Interministerial Ordinance 670, published in the Official Gazette on 1 April 2022, dispenses the need for Brazilian and foreign travellers arriving from abroad by air, land and waterways to present a negative or undetectable test result for COVID-19 screening, provided that they present proof of full vaccination, printed or electronically, at least 14 days before departure.
COVID-19 recovery certificates or vaccination certificates exclusively in QR-Code remain unacceptable.
Those who are not fully vaccinated but eligible to enter the country, as in the case of Brazilian nationals and foreign residents, must present proof of a negative PCR or antigen test taken within one day before departure.
Ordinance 670/2022 includes Annexes on COVID-19 testing parameters and protocol for aircrews. A free translation of this regulation is attached.
Ordinance 666/2022 was repealed.
The requirements for the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers and crew on cruise and cargo ships are outlined in specific regulations issued by the National Health Surveillance Agency – ANVISA.
Published 7 April 2022. Updated 16 September 2022.
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