
Draft increase at Santos

30/07/2018 - 1:24 | Author: Proinde

The Santos port authority, Companhia Docas do Estado de Sao Paulo – Codesp, announced a 30cm increase in the operational draft along the four sections of the navigational channel just one month after the consortium formed by the companies Boskalis do Brasil and Van Oord commenced the dredging of the organised Port of Santos.

Generally, the operational draft limitation was increased to 13.5m at low tide and to 14.50m at high tide, as follows:

Section I
From the anchorage to the Fishing Terminal: 13.50m

Section II
From the Fish Terminal to the Passengers Terminal: 13.50m

Section III
From Passengers Terminal to Shed 6: 13.50m

Section IV
From Shed 6 up to Berth 2 of Alemoa Terminal: 13.50m
After Berth 2 of Alemoa Terminal: 12.70m (unchanged)

The maximum allowable draft prevailing at the berths and terminals within the port varies and the shipowners calling at Santos are advised to check prevailing restrictions with their agents before the fixture.

Codesp also announced it is studying the implementation of a real-time monitoring system developed by the Australian company OMC International and known as DUKC (Dynamic Underkeel Clearance) to assist in the decision-making process regarding arrivals and departures of vessels in the port considering meteorological and oceanographic conditions and the behaviour of the vessel while travelling along the navigation channel.

The port authority intends to launch the DUKC next year and to integrate it to the Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS) currently being set up by Codesp.

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