Brazil bans solid waste imports
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It was reported by the local news media that the lack of dredging led to a reduction in the operational draft in the berths of Alemoa Terminal (located on the right bank of the port channel) and Barnabe island (on the left bank), which are intended for liquid bulk operations. The dredging operations have been suspended since April this year when the contract ended.
There was a reduction of 70 cm in one of the berths at Alemoa, from 10.9 m to 10.2 m – only one berth is working normally whereas at Barnabe island, the most affected point, there was a draft loss of 1.20 m, down from 10.2 to 9 m in one of the sections.
The problem is aggravated by the fact that the fenders on piers 1 and 2 of Alemoa are out of order due to damage – the Santos Port Authority (Codesp) says that mobilization for immediate repairs is to start with a 15-day term for the completion of the first pier, and another 15 days for the second.
According to Codesp, the bidding for the dredging operation has been completed and the company DTA Engenharia should be hired to carry out the operation unless the bidding results are challenged, which requires fifteen days to be confirmed.
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Telephone +55 85 3099 4068
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Telephone +55 91 99393 4252
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