Brazil bans solid waste imports
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While reiterating the urgency to designate seafarers as key workers – and Brazil is one of the 58 State Members that have done so to date -, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has launched an updated version of its “Industry Recommended Framework of Protocols for Ensuring Safe Crew Changes and Travel During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic”.
The revised guidance addresses the global offering of vaccines and the critical part they will play in facilitating crew travels and access to health care to improve the efficiency of world trade amid the pandemic. It sets out general measures and procedures to be adopted by governments and national authorities to ensure the safe movement of crewmembers. It also provides practical advice for shipowners, operators, managers, and flag states to develop action plans and procedures in line with obligations under the IMO ISM Code and ILO MLC 2006.
IMO created an online module on “Crew Change and Repatriation of Seafarers” to disseminate information provided by the Member States on the facilitation of crew changes and repatriations and the designation of National Focal Points. The tool is available in the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) database.
In collaboration with IMO, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released an information package to ensure that public authorities and the shipping community access reliable data on the movement of seafarers and aircrews, vaccination programmes and related information. The package comprises the following materials:
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Rua Barão de Cotegipe, 443 - Sala 610 - 96200-290 - Rio Grande/RS - Brazil
Telephone +55 53 3233 1500
Rua Itororó, 3 - 3rd floor
11010-071 - Santos, SP - Brazil
Telephone +55 13 4009 9550
Av. Rio Branco, 45 - sala 2402
20090-003 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
Telephone +55 21 2253 6145
Rua Professor Elpidio Pimentel, 320 sala 401 - 29065-060 – Vitoria, ES – Brazil
Telephone: +55 27 3337 1178
Rua Miguel Calmon, 19 - sala 702 - 40015-010 – Salvador, BA – Brazil
Telephone: +55 71 3242 3384
Av. Visconde de Jequitinhonha, 209 - sala 402 - 51021-190 - Recife, PE - Brazil
Telephone +55 81 3328 6414
Rua Osvaldo Cruz, 01, Sala 1408
60125-150 – Fortaleza-CE – Brazil
Telephone +55 85 3099 4068
Tv. Joaquim Furtado, Quadra 314, Lote 01, Sala 206 - 68447-000 – Barcarena, PA – Brazil
Telephone +55 91 99393 4252
Av. Dr. Theomario Pinto da Costa, 811 - sala 204 - 69050-055 - Manaus, AM - Brazil
Telephone +55 92 3307-0653
Rua dos Azulões, Sala 111 - Edifício Office Tower - 65075-060 - São Luis, MA - Brazil
Telephone +55 98 99101-2939