Brazil bans solid waste imports
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After a long wait due to travel restrictions imposed by the pandemic, from 24 to 26 September 2022, the International Group of P&I Clubs (IGP&I) hosted its now traditional Correspondents Conference at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, in London, the same venue as in the last Conference in 2017.
The event offered a wide range of presentations by speakers from international organisations such as IMO, IOPC Funds, ICS, ITF, ITOPF and IACS, as well as P&I clubs. It included a welcome reception and a lively buffet dinner at IMO headquarters overlooking the River Thames.
Our colleagues Jorge Tavares and Ricardo Martins were among the more than 500 commercial and legal correspondents who travelled from 96 countries to meet for networking, learning and knowledge sharing. It was an excellent opportunity to foster relationships and improve future collaborations with the thirteen clubs that make up the IGP&I and other industry players.
Further details about the Conference’s programme can be found here.
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