
International Group signs MoU with Brazilian maritime authority

22/03/2023 - 8:28 | Author: Proinde

The move seeks to foster cooperation in dealing with major marine casualties and incidents in Brazil

Following suit with Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Venezuela, on 17 March 2023, the Brazilian Navy’s Directorate of Ports and Coasts (DPC) signed a Memorandum of Agreement of the International Group of P&I Clubs (IGP&I) to facilitate collaboration with Brazilian authorities with responses to significant maritime casualties and incidents, particularly those involving wreck removal operations, potential threats, or environmental damage.


The agreement aims to promote joint training, share experiences and best practices, conduct post-incident assessment exercises, and enhance response capabilities through lessons learned.

The execution of the MoU provides for joint action between the P&I clubs that are members of the IGP&I and local authorities for an expeditious and more efficient response and handling of serious accidents that could compromise the safety of navigation and the environment.

Maritime investigation

Casualties and incidents involving vessels and platforms of all flags in Brazilian jurisdictional waters are subject to an inquiry by the local maritime authorities. The Maritime Tribunal – the Brazilian equivalent of the Admiralty Court – considers the investigation findings to determine culpability, impose administrative sanctions and fines and, where applicable, propose measures to improve navigation safety.

While the judgement rendered by the Maritime Tribunal is not binding on the courts of law, it has significant weight and is deemed accurate as technical evidence.

Read more about how the authorities handle investigations into casualties, incidents, and violations of maritime traffic rules in this practical guide.

The International Group

The IGP&I, established in London in 1899, comprises twelve of the largest not-for-profit P&I clubs, which insure over 90% of the global oceangoing ship fleet.

Among its various roles, the IGP&I manages the claims-sharing and reinsurance arrangements for the Group’s members. It also functions as a forum for sharing knowledge and expertise with the clubs, their members, and authorities worldwide.

Read more about P&I clubs, their structure, the various covers provided and the global network of P&I correspondents in this P&I overview.

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