Brazil bans solid waste imports
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Update 6 August 2023:
Following continuous hydrographic monitoring of the Quiriri Channel by the Brazilian Navy and private stakeholders, the Port Captaincy of the Eastern Amazon (CPAOR) authorised a further increase in the current draft restriction along the Quiriri Channel, an important passage between the Atlantic Ocean and Northern Arc’s river ports of Belém, Outeiros and Vila do Conde in Barcarena, as well as Breves Straits.
The maritime authority allowed vessels to navigate the Quiriri Channel with a maximum draft of between 13.81 m and 14 m, in two phases.
Firstly, vessels with drafts from 13.81 m to 13.90 m will be able to navigate that channel for an experimental period of eight months. From then on, in the second phase, which should last six months, permission will be granted to manoeuvre vessels with drafts between 13.91 m and 14 m, as long as at least fifteen manoeuvres have been carried out in the first phase and no incident that would jeopardise human life, navigation safety and the environmental has occurred.
For both phases, concerned parties must take the following mitigating measures:
Ships carrying dangerous goods are not authorised to participate in these trial manoeuvres.
Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 83/CPAOR of 6 July 2023, which allowed the draft increase on an experimental basis.
The Amazon ports of Belém and Vila do Conde in Barcarena, home to modern grain terminals that help outflow Brazilian agriproducts, are accessible from the Atlantic Ocean through the Quiriri Channel or the Espadarte Channel, in Pará River, Brazil’s Northern Arc.
After a trial period initiated in 2019, the Harbour Master of the Eastern Amazon has now authorised vessels to depart from port terminals of Belém and Barcarena with drafts of 13.50 metres up to 13.80 metres.
The draft increase represents a substantial increment of the payload; however, vessels sailing with these drafts must adhere to strict requirements, namely:
The previous regulation of the maritime authority (Ordinance No. 15/CPAOR of 18 February 2019) has been repealed and the current Ordinance can be downloaded from the link below.
Published 10/08/2022. Last updated: 06/08/2023
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