Brazil bans solid waste imports
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Lifting of the air travel ban
On 5 October 2021, the Brazilian government issued Ordinance 658, removing the restriction on foreign passengers from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of South Africa, and the Republic of India. Bans on passenger flights from these countries were gradually imposed since last December to contain the spread of coronavirus variants of concern.
While air travel restrictions are at their loosest since the ban was implemented last year, all passengers, including Brazilian nationals and residents, are still required to provide the airline with:
For flights with connections or stopovers in which the passenger remains in a restricted area of the transit airport, the 24-hour period will be considered for the first leg of the journey. Passengers who leave the airport’s transit area for more than 72 hours since the molecular test, or 24 hours after the rapid antigen test, must perform a new test with negative or undetectable results at check-in for the final flight to Brazil.
Sea travel allowed with restrictions
The carriage of foreign passengers on cruise vessels exclusively in Brazilian jurisdictional waters is authorised to start from 1 November 2021. In the coming weeks, the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) will fully overhaul its current set of protocols for crew changes, case identification, management of shipboard COVID-19 outbreaks and quarantines on vessels and platforms.
Port cities to be called by cruise ships must have an operational plan approved by local health authorities that establishes conditions for the safe disembarkation of crews and passengers for medical care in Brazil.
In the meantime, crewmembers are still allowed to disembark from vessels and platforms to seek medical assistance or for repatriation upon the termination of a contract of employment, still subject to:
Land borders remain closed
Ordinance 658/2021 maintains the exceptional and temporary ban on entry by land, except for the border with Paraguay, which remains open to foreigners provided migratory requirements are met, such as having a visa when required by virtue of the visitor’s nationality.
Foreigners who are in a border country and need to cross over to board a flight home will be allowed in, provided there is a formal request from the travellers’ consular authority in this regard, they present the corresponding air tickets and head directly to the airport.
The ban on entry by land does not apply to:
Ordinance 657 of 2 October 2021 has been repealed.
Read more in our practical guide on measures against COVID-19 for ports, vessels and seafarers.
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Telephone +55 98 99101-2939