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The largest port complex in Brazil receives international certification for meeting safety requirements under the ISPS Code
On 20 December 2022, the Santos Port Authority (SPA) received a Statement of Compliance (SoCPF) granted by the National Commission for Public Security at Ports, Terminals and Waterways (Conportos) following the approval of its port facility security plan (PFSP) under the terms of the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities (ISPS Code). The SPA’s SoCPF had been suspended in October 2017 due to non-conformities.
The document certifies that the SPA complies with the provisions of Chapter XI-2 of the SOLAS Convention and Part A of the ISPS Code. It will remain valid until 20 December 2027.
Conportos is a federal commission headed by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security through the Federal Police. It comprises representatives from four other ministries of state and the National Agency of Waterway Transport (ANTAQ). Among its various functions, the Commission is responsible for enforcing the ISPS Code regulations in Brazil, including inspections of port facilities, approval of security plans and statements of compliance.
At a regional level, port security is overseen by State Commissions for Public Security at Ports, Terminals and Waterways (Cesportos), made up of representatives from the Federal Police, Port Captaincies, Customs, ANTAQ, Port Authorities, and State Secretariats of Public Security. Cesportos is responsible for defining port security levels in accordance with the ISPS Code standards.
For a port installation to be certified, it must carry out a security assessment and prepare a port facility security plan to be submitted for review and approval by the federal and state security commissions.
In addition to the port authority itself, each port facility, whether privately owned or under a public concession, must develop and maintain its approved specific security plan. Currently, most port terminals in Santos have had their PFSP issued over five years without any update or amendment since then.
The Port of Santos typically operates under Security Level 1, which is occasionally raised to Security Level 2.
While shipboard crimes of robbery and theft at Santos are somewhat rare, the port complex on the coast of São Paulo is a hotspot for smuggling of drugs inside containers and on cargo ships, where narcotics are concealed on deck spaces or in the hull below the waterline, in particular inside sea chests.
Regardless of the security level in force, shipmasters calling at Santos are advised to adhere strictly to the Emergency Contingency Plan and Ship Security Plan and ensure effective control of shoreside visitors and surveillance around the ship – with particular attention to approaching watercraft and diving activities in the vicinity of the vessel.
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