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Amid protests and blockades of highways leading to the largest Brazilian port complex, the State Commission for Port Security raised port security to Level 2
Following public demonstrations and roadblocks across Brazil in the wake of the presidential run-off election of 30 October 2022, where the current president Jair Bolsonaro was narrowly defeated by a former president, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, the State Commission of Public Security in Ports, Terminals, and Waterways in the State of São Paulo (Cesportos), where the key port complex of Santos is located, passed Ordinance No. 5, which raised the port security level to 2, effective from 23h59 of 1 November 2022.
Under the ISPS Code, Security Level 2 “means the level for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident”.
Cesportos’ ruling authorises the State Military Police to intervene in the event of intrusion, invasion, and serious disturbance of public order within the port area and aboard vessels.
The increase in the port security level at Santos will remain in force until a further decision by Cesportos.
Vessels calling at this port are advised to strictly follow the guidance of the ISM Code’s Emergency Contingency Plan and ISPS Code’s Ship Security Plan, with special attention to the high risk of vessel contamination with illicit drugs, especially in underwater structures such as sea chests.
Attached is a free translation of the Ordinance.
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