Brazil bans solid waste imports
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Update 19 April 2022: The Federal Police granted an additional extension for the period of acceptance of Seafarers’ Identity Documents issued under ILO C108 as far as 30 April 2023. Please refer to the attached free translation of Official Circular 02/2022 dated 18 April 2022.
Although Convention 185 of 2003 (C185) of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on seafarers’ identity document (SIDs) came into force in Brazil in 2015, it was only from the end of last year that the Brazilian immigration authority (Federal Police) began to crack down on crewmembers’ carrying SIDs that were not issued under C185, or did not have a visa adequate to their migratory situation.
However, in response to calls from the ILO and consular representations of member states to ILO C185 that still issue SIDs in the ILO C108 format due to restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, last December, the immigration authority eased the rules. It extended the acceptance of SIDs issued under the former convention until 15 June 2021. The fines imposed before that time were reviewed and cancelled by the authority or through an administrative appeal.
As the situation persists, on 11 May 2021, the Federal Police published Official-Circular 09/2021, further extending the period of acceptance of SIDs issued under ILO C108 until at least 1 May 2022, when the position will be reconsidered.
Please read our disclaimer.
Issued 21 May 2021, updated 19 April 2022.
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