Brazil bans solid waste imports
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In May 2020, Brazil became the 97th Member State to the International Labour Organization (ILO) to ratify the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC 2006).
MLC 2006 consolidates numerous previous labour-related conventions enacted by ILO and came into force worldwide in August 2013. ILO considers it the fourth pillar of the international regulatory regime dedicated to the maritime sector alongside fundamental conventions enacted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), namely SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW.
Brazil’s National Congress approved the bill, which the President eventually ratified through Decree 10,671, published on 12 April 2021.
With the entry into force of the MLC 2006 in Brazil on 7 May 2021, 37 ILO conventions previously ratified by the country were reviewed.
Although Brazil is not a relevant seafaring nation, the ratification of the modern convention has been highly praised by the shipping industry, in particular the cruise sector, which sees it as an effective instrument to protect the rights of the seafarers, resolve conflicts and ensure legal certainty to contracts of employment.
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