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In the lead up to the implementation of IMO-approved Regulation 14.1.3 of Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), which reduced the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on vessels from 3.5% to 0.5% m/m, the Navy’s Directorate of Ports and Coasts (DPC), representing the Brazilian maritime authority, issued Circular 7/2019 to the local shipping and maritime communities to increase awareness and ensure compliance with the upcoming new requirements.
Said Circular provides the following guidelines to apply from 1 January 2020:
Last October, Brazilian state-owned oil giant Petrobras announced it has lowered the sulphur cap for the marine fuels it sells to 0.5% m/m and discontinued the refining of fuel oils with high sulphur contents.
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