Brazil bans solid waste imports
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Update 25 January 2021: Ordinance 651/2021 was revoked by Ordinance 652 of 25 January 2021, which extends the ban on flights arriving from South Africa.
Direct flights from Brazil to the United Kingdom are prohibited since 15 January 2021. Visitors who have been or transited through Brazil in the last 10 days are not allowed to enter the UK. British and Irish citizens and foreign nationals with residence rights in the UK who arrive from Brazil will be required to quarantine in a hotel.
Update 8 January 2021: Ordinance 651 of 8 January 2021, reaffirms the ban on entry of non-resident foreigners by land and sea and flights arriving from or via the UK as well as COVID-19 testing. It also introduced a protocol for aircrews in Brazil. Ordinance 648/2020 has been revoked.
As of 25 December 2020, flights departing from or via the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will be suspended until further notice. Boarding of foreign travellers whose journey started or passed through the UK during the previous 14 days is also temporarily prohibited.
Otherwise, British nationals can enter Brazil for tourism or business without a visa if they stay for up to 90 days.
Ordinance 648, published on 23 December 2020, reiterates the ban on the entry of foreigners by land and sea, with some exceptions, as well as the need for air travellers to present a negative RT-PCR test when checking in to embark to Brazil.
According to the new regulation, Brazilian citizens and foreign residents who have been in the United Kingdom for the last 14 days, must remain in quarantine for 14 days when entering Brazilian territory.
Effective 30 December 2020, apart from a negative/non-reactive COVID-19 test, travellers will need to fill out the form Declaração de Saúde do Viajante – DSV (Traveller’s Health Declaration), in print or digitally, agreeing to sanitary measures that must be complied with during the stay in Brazil.
Read more about COVID-19 measures taken by Brazilian authorities that affect the operation of vessels and crew changes.
Please read our disclaimer.
Published 28 December 2020. Updated 9 January 2021.
Rua Barão de Cotegipe, 443 - Sala 610 - 96200-290 - Rio Grande/RS - Brazil
Telephone +55 53 3233 1500
Rua Itororó, 3 - 3rd floor
11010-071 - Santos, SP - Brazil
Telephone +55 13 4009 9550
Av. Rio Branco, 45 - sala 2402
20090-003 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil
Telephone +55 21 2253 6145
Rua Professor Elpidio Pimentel, 320 sala 401 - 29065-060 – Vitoria, ES – Brazil
Telephone: +55 27 3337 1178
Rua Miguel Calmon, 19 - sala 702 - 40015-010 – Salvador, BA – Brazil
Telephone: +55 71 3242 3384
Av. Visconde de Jequitinhonha, 209 - sala 402 - 51021-190 - Recife, PE - Brazil
Telephone +55 81 3328 6414
Rua Osvaldo Cruz, 01, Sala 1408
60125-150 – Fortaleza-CE – Brazil
Telephone +55 85 3099 4068
Tv. Joaquim Furtado, Quadra 314, Lote 01, Sala 206 - 68447-000 – Barcarena, PA – Brazil
Telephone +55 91 99393 4252
Av. Dr. Theomario Pinto da Costa, 811 - sala 204 - 69050-055 - Manaus, AM - Brazil
Telephone +55 92 3307-0653
Rua dos Azulões, Sala 111 - Edifício Office Tower - 65075-060 - São Luis, MA - Brazil
Telephone +55 98 99101-2939