Brazil bans solid waste imports
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The event, themed “Maritime Law: Regulation, Information, Study”, was highly attended by members of the judiciary, law academy and the shipping community
On 20 October 2023, the Instituto dos Magistrados do Brasil – IMB (Institute of Magistrates of Brazil) held its first symposium dedicated to Maritime Law, which supporters included public bodies, educational institutions, and actors from different branches of the maritime industry.
The chosen venue was the Hotel Prodigy in Rio de Janeiro, with stunning views of Guanabara Bay. The main challenges and legal issues related to maritime transport, international trade, and environmental protection were among the various topics discussed in the full-day event.
Closing the morning session, our senior partner Carlos Augusto spoke about the “Origin of the P&I Clubs, their importance for the maritime industry: cover and the ‘pay to be paid’ principle”.
The speakers and the public could network and enjoy a cocktail at the closing of the well-attended gathering.
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